Court, and Everything you Need to Know About it

Going to court can be stressful and overwhelming for anyone. Knowing what to expect and understanding the process can help put you at ease, and ensure the best outcome for your matter. 


  • Wear smart clothing- for men, we would recommend a suit with a jacket, and for women a smart jacket with a blouse and skirt or pants

  • Select neutral coloured clothing and avoid wearing anything to bright

  • Your hair should be neat and tidy

  • We would recommend that you avoid wearing open shoes, tank tops, inappropriate clothing, T-shirts or other non-business attire

  • Never wear a hat or face covering unless it is for religious reasons


  • Be on time for any court proceeding (at least ten minutes before your scheduled appearance time)

  • Speak to a court clerk when you arrive in court, to find out which courtroom your matter will be heard in

  • Sit and wait for your turn to both appear and speak

  • If you do not have a lawyer acting on your behalf, let the court officer know that you are self represented

Court Etiquette

  • Always address the judge as “Your Honour”

  • Bow when walking in and out of the court room

  • Always speak in formal English and NEVER use slang or derogatory terms

  • Be polite and courteous

  • The judge will invite you to speak when they are ready to hear your matter

  • Don’t ever raise your voice or argue back, especially not with the judge

  • Make eye contact with the person addressing you without staring

  • Have you hands together in your lap, as this will ensure that you don’t fidget

Here at Wainwright Legal, we can help navigate you through the process. Phone us today on (02) 9170 0899


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