What do I do if I’m Arrested?


As we can imagine being arrested can onset a substantial emotional response, whether this be immense anger, frustration, confusion or sadness. If ever in this situation these emotions can be combatted by knowing the facts. Here at Wainwright Legal we specialise in Criminal Law; we understand that a split-second misjudgement can land good people in hot water.

If and when you are ever arrested, here are a few key tips to make sure the situation is resolved as soon as possible; 

  1. Do not resist arrest, this could make you incur more charges later

  2. Be kind and polite to the arresting officers, remember you will get a lot further with honey then you will with vinegar 

  3. Do not be violent, violence can aggravate a seemingly normal arrest in seconds 

If you do find yourself in the situation of being arrested, you DO NOT have to discuss the accusation made against you, and it is highly advisable to say as little as possible until one of Wainwright Legal criminal law experts can advise you on your situation. The only three things you are obliged to tell the officers is the following; 

  1. You must give your name and address

  2. You must give your name if on a licensed premises e.g a nightclub or pub 

  3. If you are found in the possession of drugs, you must state who you got the illicit substance from

Within the moments after the arrest before your legal representation arrive, the interviews police are attempting to conduct, are not there to help you, they are there to help the police collect evidence against you.

 You have certain rights that cannot be stripped from you even you have been arrested, these will protect you, they are as follows; 

  1. You have the right to make a phone call to legal representation or a relative/friend

  2. You can decide you do not wish to talk to the police about the incident, nobody can make you speak about the incident until you want too (ideally this is when your lawyer arrives) 

  3. You have the right to remain silent, if you do not wish to speak about anything, nobody can make yo

If you find yourself in an unfavourable situation, call the experts at Wainwright Legal, we can help you get the best possible outcome for your alleged criminal offence. 

Contact us today. 


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